We were able to see our favorite band, Tartanic, again this year. We were very excited to see them there...there website said that the 2008 festival was their last, so we definitely weren't expecting to see them again! They are a Scottish band and have a ton of personality and energy to go with their kilts and Highland flings! LOL Last year Amy, Sara, Stacie, and their friend Abby took some great silly pics with the band after a walk-through performance. We also caught the joust (the kids love it!!) and a new act called Clan Tynker. Clan Tynker was a group of jugglers who performed some really awesome juggling tricks and sword swallowing and fire eating! Micah was mesmerized by the fire eating and terrified by the sword swallowing! LOL Hannah said they were her favorite act of the whole festival.
We did the dragon swings, the merry-go-round, the pony rides, and the fireworks show, as well as eating turkey legs, sausage-on-a-stick, chicken-on-a-stick, ice cream sandwiches, and candied roasted nuts! We spent the entire day at the festival and completely wore ourselves out. Nathan was sad though because his favorite store had changed. They no longer sold swords for 10 dollars! LOL I asked him how many swords he wanted...he has about 8! :) In fact, he wore one to the festival (legal as long as it's sheathed and "peace-tied") to complete his gladiator outfit.
Other than the festival, we partied this weekend with the Beatles, laughing ourselves silly at some of their lyrics! The girls, Chris, Nathan, and I played for a few hours Friday night, staying up way past out bedtimes and enjoying every minute of it. The whole weekend was really enjoyable and relaxing. Cutting lose and being silly is something we need to do more often! Here are a few pics of our weekend:
If you would like to see more of the 120 or so pics I took, check out my Facebook page! :)